St. Gabriel Church
St. Gabriel
Liturgy of the Word
Catholic Religious Education for children in the Parish grades 1-4
Program Description· St. Gabriel Children's Liturgy
of the Word is a lectionary-based non-graded, catechetical
program for children in grades one to four.
learn about the Church through
a special celebration of the Word designed in accord with the
Directory of Masses with children.
Our Goal
The purpose of a special celebration of the Word for children is to create a prayerful celebration simple enough that its message will be meaningful for the children. they receive the Gospel message for the Sunday, a homily at their own level and make up their own prayers of the Faithful.
When: Children attend 10:00A.M. Sunday Mass with their parent(s).
Just before the first reading, children are asked to meet their teacher at
the back of the church. All proceed down to the Parish Center Chapel and
have their own Liturgy of the Word. When the homily is over in church, the
children are brought back to church to join their parents.
Where: Quinn Center Chapel
On the envelope, write: Attention - Nancy Becerra.
Cost: There is no cost and no registration is required.