St. Gabriel Church
St. Gabriel
Sacramental preparation
The St. Gabriel Parish Center adjacent to the church provides information and scheduling options for our sacramental programs.
Call us:
Baptism · Call 415.731.6161
First Reconciliation · Call 415.731.6161
First Holy Communion · Call 415.731.6161
Confirmation · Call 415.731.6161
Marriage · Call 415.731.6161
Sacramental preparation
Our services
include sacramental preparation and instruction; baptism,
reconcilation eucharist and confirmation. Details on our sacramnental services are available through the Parish Center.
Parents of the infant/child are invited to attend one of the regularly scheduled Baptismal Preparation classes. Dates for Baptism are arranged at that time. For further information (or if parents have previously attended the classes) call 415.731.6161.If the child is of school age, the child needs to attend classes with the Director of Religious Education.
Reconciliation (Penance)
First Reconciliation/PenanceAll children must have some religious education before receiving a sacrament.
Preparation for First Reconciliation/Penance is included in the First Communion prepration classes for children and parents.
For more information, call 415.731.6161 and review our religious education program details.

First Holy Communion
All children must have some religious education before receiving a sacrament.
Parents are required to attend First Communion preparation classes with their child.
Parents must be willing to take an active part in instructing their children in the Catholic faith and life.
Children attending public shcool must attend Religious Education classes.
For more information, call 415.731.6161.
St Gabriel's Confirmation Preparation Program is for teenagers in 9th grade and above. All participants are required to participate in a religious education program one full year prior to the preparation program year. Meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 7:00-8:30PM.
A retreat and Mass involvement are integral parts of the program. For more details, please call 415.731.6161 or e-mail:

Couples should call Quinn Center 415-731-6161 and schedule an appointment at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. Couples will be given the appropriate information on the Marriage Preparation Program at that time.