St. Gabriel Church
St. Gabriel
and Worship Groups
Liturgy Subcommittees
Art and Environment · This group decorates the Church
throughout the liturgical year. Parishioners, including youth
and young adults, help to decorate at Christmas, Easter and various
other feasts
and Holy days.
Choir · The choir supports the Liturgy at the 12:00 pm Sunday
Mass and the Masses of all major feast days. Stop by after Mass
if you have an interest in joining.
Practices are Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in the church.
Ministers · Eucharistic Ministers include the Youth and Young
Adults. They serve during the Masses and many bring Communion to the homebound.
Hospitality · Hospitality Ministers welcome parishioners and
visitors to Mass. They greet people as they arrive and assist them in finding
available seating. They help with the presentation of the gifts, distribution
of bulletins, and are available to offer assistance when needed.
Lectors · 25 active Lectors, including Youth and Young Adults, proclaim the word at Mass on Sundays, Holy Day and weekdays.
Service and Worship groups
Service groups
Sodality of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Our Ladies Sodality is dedicated to fostering devotion to Mary
through prayer and service in our community. We gather for the 10 Mass
on the 1st Sunday of the month and hold meetings 4 times a year following
this Mass. We sponsor bi-monthly Crafts, Day of Reflection, 2 luncheons
a year, 8th grade service award and our only fundraiser, The Christmas
Boutique. All ladies are welcome.
Contact Moyra Trigueiro or Barbra Elzer through the Parish
Center office.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
This group meets most first Mondays of the month at 7:00 pm
in Quinn Center to help those in need through person to person involvement
of its members in a spirit of justice and charity. Activities include:
Sandwich Sundays, Lenten Food Drive, Thanksgiving Food Drive, distribution
of holiday food boxes, donations to the Vincentian desk at the Folsom Street
facility, support of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and assistance with utility
bills for those in need. Contact Jim Armstrong through the Parish Center
Homebound/ Elderly Outreach
Outreach to the homebound/elderly parishioners who need assistance
in a variety of ways including rides to appointments or Mass, grocery shopping,
visits, odd jobs, referral information about elderly services, Communion
in their homes, etc. The staff visit parishioners in the hospital as well.
Contact Matt Shea through the Parish Center office.
Worship groups
This committee is a faith-sharing group that spreads the Good News and
brings new people into the life of the Church by welcoming new parishioners
and parents of new children in the school with a phone call and a letter
that includes a list of parish organizations. This group meets at 7:30
pm in Quinn Center on the third Monday of each month. Contact the Parish Center for more information.
Charismatic Prayer Group
This group meets Fridays at 10:00 AM in the Chapel of Quinn Center
carrying Sunday worship into the week and giving thanksgiving and praise
to the Lord. Meetings often include a speaker, members pray for one another,
for parish members and for particular intentions placed in the prayer box.
Contact John Lee through the Parish Center office.
First Saturday Prayer Group
This group meets at 8:30 am on First Saturdays in the church
to promote First Saturday devotion to Mary. After the 9 am
Mass, we have fellowship and Divine Mercy Rosary at the Parish
Center. All are welcome.
Contact Delia Dumantay or Erlinda Ronas through the Parish
Center office.
Legion of Mary
Their mission is to bring glory to God through the holiness
of its members. They bring Christ and Mary to the parishioners
by praying the rosary and by works of Mercy. They visit the
sick in their homes and
Convalescent hospitals bringing them communion and the bulletin
so they will remain a part of our community of believers.
The members meet as a group every Wednesday at 9:00 AM in Quinn Center.
Contact the Parish Center for more information.
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