St. Gabriel

and Worship Groups

Liturgy Subcommittees

Art and Environment · This group decorates the Church throughout the liturgical year. Parishioners, including youth and young adults, help to decorate at Christmas, Easter and various other feasts and Holy days.
Choir · The choir supports the Liturgy at the 12:00 pm Sunday Mass and the Masses of all major feast days. Stop by after Mass if you have an interest in joining.
Practices are Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in the church.
Eucharistic Ministers · Eucharistic Ministers include the Youth and Young Adults. They serve during the Masses and many bring Communion to the homebound.
Hospitality · Hospitality Ministers welcome parishioners and visitors to Mass. They greet people as they arrive and assist them in finding available seating. They help with the presentation of the gifts, distribution of bulletins, and are available to offer assistance when needed.
Lectors · 25 active Lectors, including Youth and Young Adults, proclaim the word at Mass on Sundays, Holy Day and weekdays.